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Новаторский опыт в области воздушного потока: Раскрытие потенциала центробежных вентиляторов с загнутыми назад лопатками.

Мар 6, 2024 | Отраслевая информация

Центробежные вентиляторы являются ключевыми компонентами в области промышленной вентиляции., кондиционер, и системы охлаждения, почитаются за их способность создавать высокое давление и замечательную приспособляемость. В этом домене, backward curved centrifugal fans have emerged as a favored choice, lauded for their operational efficiency and subdued acoustics. Delving deeper into the realm of energy preservation, the emergence of EC (Электронно коммутируемый) backward curved centrifugal fans heralds a new era where the virtues of conventional configurations unite harmoniously with state-of-the-art motor innovations.

центробежный вентилятор с загнутыми назад лопатками

Центробежные вентиляторы с загнутыми назад лопатками: An Overview

The центробежный вентилятор с загнутыми назад лопатками epitomizes a versatile apparatus extensively employed in HVAC systems, industrial operations, and ventilation scenarios. Distinguished by blades that gracefully arch away from the rotational axis, facilitating the creation of airflow with precision and the accumulation of pressure. Renowned for their exceptional efficiency, minimal acoustic emissions, and streamlined structure, these fans excel in managing pristine air and find their niche in tasks ranging from electronics cooling to drying procedures and overall ventilation needs.

A backward curved centrifugal fan operates by drawing air axially into the inlet of the impeller where it is then accelerated radially outward as the blades curve backward. This curvature causes the air to change direction and exit the fan at an angle, thereby creating pressure and flow.

Базовые функции

  • Поставлять:1п,220~240В, 50 Гц
  • Максимальный воздушный поток:1500 м³/ч (статическое давление=0Па)
  • Шум:75 дБ(А)
  • Класс защиты:IP54
  • Класс изоляции:Ф
  • Подшипники:необслуживаемые шарикоподшипники
  • С температурой доп.:-25℃~+60℃

Особенности конструкции

  • Материал рабочего колеса:Galvanised iron
  • Вращение:Против часовой
  • Тип входа:Одиночный вход
  • Тип рабочего колеса:Загнутое назад рабочее колесо
  • Тип корпуса:Ничего
  • С входным кольцом
  • Вес нетто:2.8 кг

Особенности двигателя

  • Полюса двигателя:2
  • Напряжение:230 ВАК
  • Входная мощность:200 Вт
  • Текущий:0.9 А
  • Скорость:2600 об/мин
  • Конденсатор:6 мкФ

Efficiency Unleashed: ЕС (Электронно коммутируемый) Центробежные вентиляторы с загнутыми назад лопатками

To address the growing demand for energy-efficient solutions, the EC-центробежный вентилятор с загнутыми назад лопатками was developed. This advanced variant combines the advantages of the traditional design with the enhanced performance of brushless DC motors. The integration of EC technology takes the efficiency of backward curved centrifugal fans to new heights. EC motors, also known as brushless DC motors, use electronic controls to regulate the speed and torque, allowing precise airflow adjustments based on demand.

EC-центробежный вентилятор с загнутыми назад лопатками base features:

  • Поставлять:1п,200~277В, 50/60 Гц
  • Максимальный воздушный поток:380 м³/ч (статическое давление=0Па)
  • Шум:64 дБ(А)
  • Класс защиты:IP54
  • Класс изоляции:Ф
  • Подшипники:необслуживаемые шарикоподшипники
  • С температурой доп.:-25℃~+50℃
  • Интегрированный, 0~10 В или ШИМ-управление

Advanges of EC-центробежный вентилятор с загнутыми назад лопатками:

  1. Energy Savings: EC motors can achieve energy savings of up to 60% compared to conventional AC motors due to their ability to operate at optimal speeds and near-unity power factor.
  2. Variable Speed Control: EC fans offer seamless speed control, enabling users to adjust the fan’s output to match real-time system requirements, thus eliminating energy waste and improving overall system efficiency.
  3. Longevity: With no brushes to wear out, EC motors have significantly longer lifespans and require less maintenance than traditional motors.

Centrifugal Fan Suppliers and Their Role

In this landscape of evolving technology, поставщики центробежных вентиляторов play a pivotal role. They serve as the bridge between innovation and application, sourcing or manufacturing fans tailored to specific client needs. Among them, BELMONT — профессиональный производитель вентиляторов с более чем 20 годы истории в Китае, providing a wide range of ventilation equipment products to customers from all over the world.

Как опытная транснациональная компания, we produce high-quality products and provide total solutions. The company is headquartered in Fort Wayne, Индиана, США. Its main products include axial fans, центробежные вентиляторы, controllers and their components.Our company BELMONT supplier ensures:

  • Compatibility: Matching the right fan type and size to the intended application.
  • Customization: Offering customization options to integrate EC technology into existing systems or to design bespoke solutions.
  • Expertise: Providing technical support, including assistance with installation, commissioning, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Compliance: Ensuring products meet industry standards, regulations, and certifications for safety and energy efficiency.

Backward curved centrifugal fans with EC technology represent the future of efficient and sustainable ventilation systems. By combining the robustness and performance of backward-curved designs with the energy-saving prowess of EC motors, they provide a compelling solution for modern HVAC and industrial applications. As such, partnering with a reliable centrifugal fan supplier is key to unlocking these benefits and staying ahead in the pursuit of optimized environmental control systems.Our strategic partnerships with more than 160 industry-leading companies enable us to provide first-class products and services to our valued customers.Looking forward to your purchase.

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